Wyoming Board of Dental Examiners

Dental Practice Guidance


The Board of Dental Examiners has received multiple inquiries about reopening dental practices. To reiterate, the Board of Dental Examiners cannot close your office due to COVID-19, nor can the Board determine when offices can reopen. This must come from the Governor or his delegate. The Board cannot advise you on the correct course of action.

In September of 2017, the Board revised their rules which included the incorporation of the CDC's "Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care". In addition to being a requirement for all licensees, it is a great resource during this time. Additionally, licensees should continue to adhere to any recommendations issued by the CDC and the Wyoming Department of Health.

As healthcare professionals at the highest end of the risk spectrum, it is your responsibility to make informed decisions based on the information you have available. The Board expects licensees to prioritize patient and staff well-being and adhere to the standard of care at all times.

Board Rules

Wyoming Department of Health Information for Healthcare Providers

CDC Information for Healthcare Providers

CDC Information for Dental Settings


The Board of Dental Examiners wishes to remind all dental and dental hygiene licensees that the CDC and CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) guidelines are in effect for the next several weeks. The vast majority of practitioners are following the CDC and CMS guidelines. Thank you all for your commitment and collective effort to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus.

To the few practitioners who have not, the board highly recommends that you follow the guidelines of the CDC and CMS. The ADA recommends the same. Traditional dental personal protective equipment (PPE) is directed at mitigating transmission of blood borne pathogens, not airborne pathogens like the Coronavirus. As healthcare professionals at the highest end of the risk spectrum, it is your responsibility to make informed decisions based on the information you have available.

As the situation evolves, please stay informed and continue to take proper precautions to protect yourself and others from the spread of the Coronavirus to keep our dentists, staff, and patients healthy so that everyone can return to work as soon as it is safe to do so.

Wyoming COVID-19 Information

CDC Information for Healthcare Providers

CDC Dental Recommendation

CMS Guidance

MARCH 20, 2020 NOTICE:

In light of recent events, several licensees have asked the Board to advise them how best to continue their practice and have specifically asked for the Board’s guidance on potential office closures.

The Board of Dental Examiners cannot close your office due to COVID-19. If there would be any mandatory closures, it would not come from our office. We also cannot advise you on the correct course of action. The following links may help you make an informed decision regarding your business.

Wyoming COVID-19 Information

Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Licensees are still required to adhere to the Board’s Rules, Practice Act, and professional standards related to their professions.

Telehealth / Teledentistry

In Wyoming these terms are interchangeable. Wyoming Statute 33-1-303(a)(iv) authorized licensing boards to "adopt rules and regulations allowing the practice of telemedicine/telehealth and the use of telemedicine/telehealth technologies within an applicable profession or occupation consistent with the profession's or occupation's duties and obligations."

The Wyoming Board of Dental Examiners modified Chapter 4 of their Rules in April of 2015 which clarifies that "the practice of dentistry occurs where the patient is located or receives services."

What this means to dental licensees in Wyoming? Telehealth is permitted, but licensees must first obtain a Wyoming license to provide dental services to Wyoming residents. Additionally, all standard of care and ethical requirements still apply to practice, regardless of means.